How To Set Realistic Fitness Goals

Tips for Setting and Achieving Fitness Goals

In life, you should always reach for the stars, dream big. While most people would agree that big aspirations is not only inspiring but admirable, but when it comes to your fitness goals sometimes a more calculated approach should be used. You want to set yourself up to receive a successful outcome not burn out or injure yourself. The truth is, even when people have the best intentions and even the willpower to set out and achieve something grand, without a plan and a smart goal sometimes stumble. You need to ask yourself some questions before setting out to complete your goal.

You need to ask yourself how big the goal is. Is it not only attainable but realistic? Starting out with smaller fitness goals to get you to that long term goal is the better way to go. It helps keep you motivated longer. Ask yourself what it would take to achieve that goal. For example if your goal requires 4 workouts a week but you can only get a nanny for two of those days then you can modify your goal. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing because you wouldn’t want your goal to interfere negatively with anything else going on in your life. Building a base for your fitness goal takes time, and being smart about it will help you stay injury and stress free! Slow and steady wins the race.

Can you see yourself reaching those fitness goals? You want to surround yourself with positive people and a good gym environment. You want to be motivated and dedicated to stick with your goal for the long haul, not just a week. You need to be completely honest with yourself and make sure you can realistically see yourself doing what it takes to achieve the goal at hand! If you can do that and you answered the questions above truthfully then you probably have a fitness goal!

As a personal trainer these are the kinds of questions you will have to ask your clients to help them reach a healthier life. If helping people feel better about themselves and being able to help them enjoy working out to reach a goal then this sounds like the job for you. At ATI in Las Vegas, we have a Personal Fitness Trainer program that in a short time you will help you get started on your career path. What are you waiting for?

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