Automotive Technician Training Program: What To Look For

Automotive Technician Training Program: What To Look For

Not every automotive technician training program is created equal. So if you are shopping around for an automotive technician training program, it is a good idea to do some research first. But what should you be looking for when you are comparing different programs? Keep reading to find out!

Is the automotive technician training program offered by an accredited institution?

One of the most important things to find out is if the school you are considering is accredited. A school is accredited if it is officially recognized and authorized by a third-party accrediting body. Accrediting bodies ensure that educational institutions adequately prepare students for careers in their field after program completion.

Accrediting bodies have a number of predetermined standards that schools must meet in order to receive accreditation. Examples of these standards include:

  • Graduation rates
  • Job placement rates
  • Quality of instructors
  • Quality of instruction materials
  • And more


Here at ATI, we are accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET). ACCET has been a trusted accrediting body since 1974.

Is the automotive technician training program online or in person?

In your research on automotive technician training programs, you will find that some are offered online and others are offered in person. While online programs can do an adequate job of teaching the theoretical knowledge needed to become an automotive technician, they do not provide any hands-on training.

Many aspects of working as an automotive technician simply can’t be taught without hands-on training. Imagine trying to learn how to ride a bike by reading about it online. That wouldn’t be nearly as helpful as actually getting on a bicycle and trying to ride it in the real world.

When getting trained to become an automotive technician, it is a good idea to go to a school that provides in-person training.

Is the automotive program NATEF certified?

There are two different kinds of accreditation: school accreditation and program accreditation. A school can be accredited but its automotive technician training program may not be. Here at ATI, we are an accredited school and our automotive program has programmatic accreditation from the National Automotive Technician Education Foundation (NATEF).

The goal of NATEF is to improve the quality of automotive training programs across the US. It does this by closely examining automotive technician training programs and comparing their quality of education to industry standards. ATI is proud that our automotive program meets the high standards of NATEF.

Automotive Technician Training Program at ATI

Here at ATI, we meet all of the above criteria. We are an accredited institution, our program is offered in-person, and our automotive technician program is NATEF certified. All of these factors make ATI a good choice for receiving your training to become an automotive technician.

If you have additional questions or would like to visit our campus, we encourage you to call us to speak with an admissions representative. You can also follow us on Facebook to find out about upcoming program start dates and other important information.

We look forward to helping you build a brighter future!


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