Cracking the Code to Productivity

Who doesn’t want to be more productive? In a world that gets only busier, is only more competitive, and only demands we work faster, there has to be a cure to cracking productivity than simply trying harder.

According to this video, and Gregory Ciotti’s blog, “”, there’s actually a little bit of science behind cracking productivity, and it can be explained in just over three minutes:

In summation, cracking the power of our minds to being more productive doesn’t take the willpower of a horse. In fact, it can be broken up into a few easy, tangible steps:

  1. Get Started

This is the most difficult step. If we just get started on a task though, science and our own biological make-up WILL kick in. It’s called the Zeigarnik Effect, and it’s the uncomfortable feeling we get when we haven’t completed a task we’ve started. Simply by starting a task we are allowing ourselves to open the door to being productive. If we falter, our own “intrusive thoughts” and feelings of discomfort will guide us toward the finish line.

  1. Work Smarter, Not Harder

Next, remember that it’s not willpower that will lead you to being the most productive. Rather, it’s discipline and scheduling. As the video states, professional musicians focus on the hardest tasks first, deliberately planning work sessions followed by breaks.

Still not convinced you’ve got the discipline it takes? Break your large, daunting task into chunks and create deadlines. Write these deadlines down in your calendar. Work towards each of these deadlines, schedule in your 15-minute breaks, and allow your productivity to unfold.

Remember last week’s blog post? Titled, “Time Out! Why Taking Time Out for Yourself is Important”? If not, check it out to be reminded of why breaks aren’t careless; they’re smart.

Need another tool? Next, this video reveals the use of an “accountability chart.” Use this to jot down the time it takes and the correlating tasks completed during that time. Track your progress. Evaluate your work. And feel the accomplishments of your time well spent.

  1. Stop Multi-tasking

We have been programmed to think that if we do multiple things at once we are being productive. WRONG! It’s really just busyness, not effectiveness. Here, we are encouraged to make a list the night before of what you want to accomplish the next day. Again, split your larger tasks into chunks and charge!

We at ATI believe that our students are the #1 priority. We hope the tips offered here can help to send you on your way to creating your own success!

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