Weighing the Advantages of Technical Colleges

High school graduations are quickly approaching. Some schools across the nation have started their final semester. Life decisions will be made. And deciding to attend a Las Vegas trade school or career training institute is an increasingly viable option in our society today. In this week’s blog article, we are going to investigate the advantages of technical colleges.

With more and more young people completing postsecondary studies, data has proven that successfully entering an inflating professional job market is growing more difficult with each graduating class. Learning “by the books” is not conducive to the learning styles of roughly 35% of our population (Lake Superior State University, 2017). And some people just want to or need to start working. Fast.

That is why we have compiled 3 of the top advantages for choosing the technical and career training route. At ATI in Las Vegas, Nevada, we understand this exciting yet difficult decision and hope to shed light on the opportunities awaiting you.

Hands-on Learning

If you are an avid reader of our blog posts, then you will see this statement made often. Yet, we feel there is no disadvantage to the amount of times we make this point clear. It’s something of which ATI is very proud. Our balance of theoretical and practical has been proven to prepare our students for entry-level positions in their chosen field and the certifications necessary to get there.

“Learning is not a spectator sport,” writes Michael Li in his article entitled The 3 Things That Make Technical Training Worthwhile. “A recent study by researchers from Bucknell University found active learners perform better than their passive peers in mechanical and electrical engineering.”

Smaller Class Size

Because of the amount of hands-on learning students experience and the professional instructors and technical services involved, class sizes of most technical and career training institutes are smaller and more intimate. This allows for more attention to be given to each student, whether it’s to explain the process of changing the fuel pump of a car or actually doing it.

Students do not find themselves just one of hundreds enrolled in a lecture course,” states an article entitled The 5 Advantages of a Technical College Education.


Michael Li called it “breathing room.” The latter article called it “adaptability.” For us, both terms and their following explanations can be categorized by the term “flexibility.” Technical and career training institutes offer the flexibility – whether it be time, space or even a re-do – for students to complete their training and actually learn the content.

In Michael Li’s article, he writes that technical subjects “often have steep learning curves and require long uninterrupted periods of study to master.” Yet, when conducting a case study of one of their training sessions, he found that “employees who were temporarily relieved of their duties learned over twice as fast as those who were not.”

In other words, it is important in one’s learning to have some “breathing room.” And technical and career training institutes are more often those institutions that already enlist that kind of “adaptability.”

When deciding your future, we understand there are many factors that must be considered. Yet for those of you that learn by doing (remember, that’s at least 35% of you) and want every day of your educational career to be truly your’s and meaningful, than technical and career training could be the right choice for you. Take our Career Training Readiness Quiz as well, to find out!

We are here for you. If you have any questions about when, why or how to start your training, do not hesitate to contact one of our dedicated admissions staff here today. Also, follow us now on Facebook to see how you can start making a difference at ATI.

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